

Dott. Geol. Fabio Fratini

Arch. PhD Giulia Misseri

Prof. Arch. PhD Luisa Rovero

Prof. Arch. Ugo Tonietti

Eng. PhD Arash Boostani

Arch. PhD Sara Stefanini

ReStruere has an excellent and extensive multi-year experience in the field of Conservation of Architectural Heritage, especially in North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, including theoretical issues as well as design and construction skills.

Our skills include:
•  analysis and characterization of materials;
•  targeted structural and stabilization strategies;
•  mechanical modelling;
•  conservation of historical and archaeological sites;
•  planning and implementation of monitoring;
•  design and management of an experimental laboratory;
•  training and didactic experience for different levels of users (from bricklayers to PhDs).

We have specific experience in carrying out inspections, even in geographically tricky-to-reach areas. The team’s approach to conservation is focused on a deep understanding of countries and buildings in order to effectively protect them

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